Note 12 : SANGAM AGE -Frequently Asked GK

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                                                            PQ: Sangam means college of Tamil Poets (KPSC-2016)

Sangam Culture
Tolkappiyam refers to the five-fold division of lands :-

  ↀ Kurinji(Mountains)

   ↀↀMullai (Forest)
   ↀↀↀ Marudam (agricultural Land)

   ↀↀↀↀ Neydal (coastal)

   ↀↀↀↀↀPalai (desert) 

The people living in these five divisions had their respective chief occupations as well as gods for worship.
  • Kurinji – chief deity was Murugan – chief occupation, hunting and honey collection.
  • Mullai – chief deity Mayon (Vishnu) – chief occupation, cattle-rearing and dealing with dairy products.
  • Marudam – chief deity Indira – chief occupation, agriculture.
  • Neydal – chief deity Varunan – chief occupation fishing and salt manufacturing.
  • Palai – chief deity Korravai – chief occupation robbery.


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