Note 16: Coastline & Major Ports in India

Image result for coastline of india            Indian Coastline 

@ Total length of Indian coastline including islands:                       7516km(4670mile)                                                                                    
@ Total length of Indian coastline in Indian mainland :6100km
Area under mangroves :6740 km²
 (57% East coast,23% west coast, 20% Andaman &Nicobar Islands)
@ Population of Coastal States and Union Territories :560 million
@ Coast Guard Act 1978
@ Indian Coast Guard (ICG) celebrated its 39th raising day on February 1
@ State in which longest coastline :Gujarat(1600km)
@ State in which least coastline :Goa
 @ State in which most coastline in south india :Andrapradesh
@ Union Territories in which longest coastline :A&N
@ Union Territories in which least coastline :Damen and Diu

@Only south indian state has no costline   : Telugana

Number of coastal States and Union Territories
Nine states
1.      Gujarat 2.      Maharashtra 3.      Goa 4.      Karnataka 5.     Kerala
6.      Tamil Nadu 7.      Andhra Pradesh 8.      Odisha 9.      West Bengal
Four Union Territories
1.      Daman & Diu 2.      Puducherry 3.Lakshadweep 4,A&N

Coastal Geo morphology (Mainland)
Sandy Beach
43 %
Rocky Coast

Muddy Flats
Marshy Coast


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