Environmental Protection Act

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@ Environmental Protection Act was passed on Jan 9,1986

@ Environent Protection Act was came forced on Nov 19,1986

@ No of Sections: 26

@ The Environment (Protection) Act was enacted in India in pursuance of UN Conference on the Human Environment 1972 was held at Stockholm.

@ Enviromental protection act was considered under the article :253

After the Stockholm Conference, 1972, Government of India brought the 42nd amendment in the Constitution and incorporated Article 48A and Article 51A (g). Article 48A comes under the part IV ‘Directive Principle of State Policy’, and under this Article the states are under the ‘active obligation’ that it shall endeavour to protect and impose the environment. Whereas Article 51A (g) states the citizen has the duty to protect and improve the environment


*** Water Act, 1976 provide the provision to protect the water from pollution.

***Air Act, 1981,


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